Project Green Vision

  • Change is unavoidable and is a law of nature

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Aims And Objectives

  1. To create opportunities and environment and provide guidance for economic, social and eco development of the people and the area.
  2. To educate people through various programs and activities like tournaments, games, championships, training programmes, camps, field visits, environment preservation and organizational environment.
  3. To educate people to organize & play sports under eco friendly environment. Educating people about rain harvesting of the play grounds, drip irrigation, recycling of the water in sports stadiums & other educational institutes.
  4. To encourage youth for courageous deeds and to provide them training and sponsorship for playing tournaments by which they play their role in economic, social and moral upliftment of society.
  5. To work for the eradication of poverty specially in the field of sports & environmental education.
  6. To study all aspects of corrupt practices prevalent in social, administrative, sports, structure of the society in the country & to educate the people for fighting against these practices.
  7. To encourage & promote sports goods manufacturing industry, to use eco friendly material.
  8. Provide total solutions to the enterprises to help them release low carbon emission trajectory.
  9. Actively promote a business model that ensures that India follows cleaner, greener & profitable development path.
  10. To educate people through various programmes about KYOTO PROTOCOL for reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions & its links to the United Nations framework convention on climate change.
  11. Organizing various sports tournaments & championships to educate people about the consequences of global warming and ways to cut the green house gas emissions.
  12. To promote environmental and pollution control awareness through sports tournaments & championships, coaching camps and arrangement of training classes in cities and people living in far flung areas.
  13. To provide playing facilities sports equipments, drinking water, clean electricity (eco friendly lights), sanitation facilities, and eco friendly stadiums.
  14. To organize tournament for awareness of ecological balance of our planet through plantation of trees and natural herbs.
  15. To stimulate various sports organisations to join hands with EFSO to spread the message of Global Warming, this is the most critical emergency of our time.

Our Sponsers

  • Dept Environment
  • Chandigarh Adminstration
  • Hareda
  • Stag International
  • Coca Cola
  • Peda
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